
Courses that I contributed

EEL4768 - Computer Architetcure, Fall 2023

I will be teahcing the Section 3 of EEL 4768 Computer Architetcure in Fall 2023.

Introduction to Hadrware Security and Trust, Spring 2019

I was a teahcing assistant for the Introduction to Hadrware Security and Trust course in Spring 2019. My lecture video on ASIC design flow can be found below.


RTL-to-GDS Flow for Semiconductor Design

Developed RTL to GDS Flow using Cadence Toolsfor undetgrad VLSI course at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. The develped manuals can be found below.

  1. https://uflorida-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mohammad_rahman_ufl_edu/Ee6D9Vvnb3xOqA8IYr_yuvYBKGU4Ipm_iVld0qOF45HZVg?e=rXel1U

  2. https://uflorida-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mohammad_rahman_ufl_edu/ES_rIkSePIlBouzu03KSUjgBMmCKYhPTkc9CbXuzDjT1Eg?e=IQ0K3O

CAD for Hardware Security Book

I co-authored the first book on CAD tools for Hardware Security published by Springer in March, 2023. Here you can learn how to use commercial EDA tools to detect and mitigate HW security vulnerabilities.
